Monday, December 28, 2009

Use DARK colors for homeless people

I gave away ten new, handmade (by me) loom knitted scarves I made, directly to homeless and poor people, yesterday. I do NOT sell any of my craft items, as you know.
Anyway, I found out from the homeless people that most of them prefer DARK COLORS.
They asked me directly for "DARK COLORS"(THEIR own words).
So this is a suggestion for any fiber crafters who make warm items for homeless people: Use ONLY dark color yarns and fabrics when you make warm items for homeless people. They will appreciate it.


Anonymous said...

I am glad for your post. I would have thought they would enjoy bright colors to cheer them up! Guess not! Thank you for the heads up!

~Niki~ said...

i've completed my very first loom hat! I was wondering, since you've done you add brims to them? if so, do you do it at the beginning or at the end when it's taken off. i didn't realize you could do it at the beginning until i watched a youtube video of it, so i'm now doing it at the end, by crocheting on an edging. hmmm. just curious. also, i bought a used set of knifty knitters and it had all the colors except the bitty blue one, and i want to make small baby caps for you know if they sell them separately too or just as one whole pk? thanks! you do fine work!